Tips To Make Baby’s First Road Trip A Success
Couples that travel before baby will likely want to keep traveling after baby, which means going on a road trip now takes preparation for a young and inexperienced traveler. Slipping out for a weekend getaway, or a long drive to a delightful destination somewhere, can be filled with hours questioning what to pack, and sleepless nights spent wondering if a road trip with baby is even a good idea. If you love to get away and still want to with your young one in tow, here are some tips for baby’s first road trip:
Pack As Much as You Can the Night Before
The night before your road trip, get all of baby’s gear (we know, there’s a lot of it) into the car. You won’t want to be trying to pack car seats, play pens, diaper bags, and everything else that goes with baby on the morning of your trip. Put baby to bed and then get as much as you can into your vehicle, including snack bags, extra clothes and blankets, toys, tissues, pacifiers, sippy cups, and whatever else that’s going that you won’t have to use the morning of your trip.
You Don’t Have to Put Everything in the Cab
If you’re not going to use something you’ve packed while you’re on the road, stuff it in the trunk. Free up as much space as you can in the cab of your car, because you never know when someone might have to hop in the backseat to calm baby. And, you won’t want to be climbing over piles of things. Of course, important things should be within arms reach, like cups, pacifiers, food, books, etc.
Place a Basket of Toys by Baby
Traveling on the highway with no good place to pull over is not a great scenario when baby throws and loses the only toy you’ve packed. Instead of having to try to fetch lost toys, place a basket of toys by baby so there’s always something to grab and play with. If you have a young infant, having several dangling toys on a car seat can help pass loads of time on a road trip.
Tips for Baby’s First Road Trip: Think About Yourself Too!
While on your first road trip with baby, you’ll need some of the comforts you usually bring with you, too. So, follow these tips for baby’s first road trip as they pertain to you:
Remember to pack your energy bars, instant coffee, magazines, or whatever typically gets you through long drives; some parents like to bring their au pair or nanny along with them on a road trip, or a close friend or family member. This can be great fun when parents want someone to chat with or a helping hand with their little one.
As you prep for your road trip, keep Baby Mantra products in mind. We have the best baby skin care products that you’ll want with you while traveling, including a baby rash ointment (an essential for babies with sensitive bottoms) and a safe baby shampoo.