Pregnancy Week 27
Way to go mom! You've made it to the final trimester once you've hit pregnancy week 27. You and baby are most likely starting to feed off each other; picking similar times to take naps, to be active and when to eat. It's during this week that your baby will be opening their eyes for the first time and you'll be working on breathing exercises and finalizing your birthing plan with your partner and medical support team.
The final trimester begins with pregnancy week 27. By this time, your once 'rice-sized' baby is now roughly the same size as cauliflower – tipping the virtual scales at about 1.9 pounds and measuring in at 36 centimeters. The baby will be opening their eyes for the first time in week 27 and begin to notice the difference between day and night – even inside your womb. The baby even has the ability to hiccup and if you're lucky enough – you'll be able to feel that radiate through your baby-bump. The final trimester is where you need to be prepared for the unexpected and ready to deliver if baby decides the time is right.
Baby’s Development
When your baby has reached the 27th week of development, it's highly probable that if they were to be delivered now, they'd stand a very good chance of surviving a premature birth. Today's medical science is amazing and the neonatal special care units in most hospitals can handle early term births rather easy. The baby's lungs are still developing – which is typically the major issue that premature babies will face.
The baby's brain is going through the final stage of development – with both sections of the brain clearly separated and synapsis firing and multiplying at light speed. Your baby can taste the foods you are eating, and can even get a case of hiccups if you're enjoying some spicy food. The baby's skin is starting to develop some pigment now, and their hair continues to grow.
Mother’s Development
I'm sure you're ready for this baby to come anytime now – but even though you're in the final trimester, it's best for you and baby to allow a few more weeks of development inside your safe womb. This is the final trimester of pregnancy and with this final phase comes the inevitable final symptoms to be aware of daily.
It's very possible that your appetite will rapidly increase in the final 10 weeks of pregnancy – as your new baby is going to need more sustenance to continue on their own growth spurts. Eating healthy is highly recommended, which is where getting some advice from a Registered Dietitian and your OBGYN office is a great tip. It's also good to maintain daily practicing of breathing exercises if you're planning on natural childbirth. However, it's a good idea to also maintain physical activity – especially those fun pelvic exercises. Low-impact Yoga is a great activity to take on during your entire pregnancy; but even better in the final trimester.
Fun Facts
The final trimester that begins with pregnancy week 27 often opens the eyes of many soon-to-be-mommies. This is the time where you'll begin to really think about the actual birth and what it's going to be like to bring your baby into the world. This is why it's a great idea to have your plan solidly in place by now. Who is your birthing partner? Where are you going to be delivering the baby? What are your wishes during the birthing process? All of these items need to be clearly written down and planned to a 'T' before your third trimester proceeds too much further.