Making a Plan: How to Stay Organized After Baby
It may seem sometimes that there is just not enough time in a day. While some days that may be true, it’s not true every day. Besides, there are things you can do that can help you to keep everything organized and together.
How Much Time in a Day?
Sometimes it seems as though there is not enough time in a day.Now with a new baby, things are about to get even more interesting. So far, you are up throughout the night taking care of your little delicate one’s needs. You wake up, and pretty much do the exact same thing. However, you also have your home to take care of, perhaps your other children, as well. Now let’s account for your spouse, meals, and – well, you get the picture. There is a lot to do already. Now you are doing it plus taking care of your precious newborn, and all of this with very little sleep (if you count sleeping at all!). In any case, if it ever seemed as though there wasn’t enough time in a day – it didn’t get any easier after baby.
Don’t Lose Hope
Yes, you are going through stressful times, and yes, you have so much more on your plate, but please never forget that these labors are born of love. You can do this. If not you, then who? Of course your significant other will be there to help, but you – mommy – will most likely bear the brunt of the daily routine’s execution. This is true even for modern families that do not abide by more traditional, or classic, family molds. When a woman gives birth, the baby relies on mommy’s scent for comfort. Your warmth. You. Baby knows mommy, and will always search for mommy’s touch. Baby was with you for 9 months, a part of you. This bond does not change, nor does the need, just because the baby has now been introduced to the world. Again, do not lose hope: You can do this. In fact, you were built for it.
Organizing and Staying Organized
Here are some things you can do to help yourself get, and remain, organized.
Don’t waste any time looking for things that you use most often. Keep these things in an area you have created and that is off limits to everyone else. Keep things in the rooms they are going to be needed most. For certain items, buy doubles. Keep the doubles where they will be needed. (Items such as thermometers, burp towels, bibs, etc.)
For the first few weeks, keep the bassinet next to your bed. Under the bassinet or in a nightstand next to the bed and bassinet, keep diapers, diaper wipes, and burp towels stocked. If you are bottle feeding, keep a bottle warmer right on the nightstand for convenience.
Assign kids that are capable, some chores. Get them into practice during the pregnancy so once the baby is here, it has become habit.
Stay stocked on everything you are going to need each night before going to sleep, and if at all possible, stock for the next day. You already know what your baby is going to need: Have it ready!
Yes, nap times are wonderful! (And needed!) But always ensure that everything is ready for the next person’s shift. At least stay awake long enough to give them a rundown of what they will need to continue a successful shift.
Keep a checklist with all baby supplies. Check things off that are needed, and that you are out of. Keep this list easily accessible so everyone who may be stepping out can pick up the much needed supplies.
Have a sleeping schedule for you and your spouse, so that you both can tend to baby at times that are the least difficult for the both of you. This may mean acquiring different sleeping schedules for the first 4 months of baby’s life.
Remember, what has to be done is what has to be done no matter what. What matters is how it gets done. Working together and keeping a good attitude goes a lot further than you may imagine